Friday, December 21, 2012

Pecs and Presents Blog Hop

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you!

To celebrate the ending on an epic year, we are bringing you a contest and potential presents. Oh, and some very hot pecs... because what is better than pecs and presents?!

All you have to do is visit the authors participating and chose what Caveman each set of pecs belong to. Each of the authors below have offered something for the prize box.

There will be ONE winner of the prize box across the blog hop: Amazon Gift Cards totaling $25, Ellora's Cave GC worth $10, ebook copies of Alpha in Hiding, Valentine Master, Take It Off!, Primal Song, Double Dare How do you enter?

Well, you must do the following: 1. Visit each author's blog:
Lea Barrymire 
Danica Avet
AM Griffin
Sky Robinson
Erin Simone
Frances Stockton

So, you can be entered a maximum of 8 times for this contest.

2. Enter your guess as to who's pecs are featured on THAT blog post

3. Every person that enters answers on ALL six blogs are put in the hat 4. If you have all of the guesses correct you will be entered an additional time for the prize.

So now that you've read the how-to and have an idea of the incredibly talented authors participating in this fun way to celebrate Christmas and the Holidays, wouldn't you like to know which Caveman, I'm featuring. More so, wouldn't you like to know the names of all the Cavemen participating?

First, take a second to head on over to Facebook and check out their pages and their pictures. I'll give the links for each model's FB page, however, you can also visit and follow the link for RomantiCon2013 and there are incredible pictures of each. Then, come back here and click the linky Lea Barrymire created to enter. If for some reason, my lack of computer tech-savvy skills cause an error, visit Lea Barrymire's blog and she will absolutely have all the names, Cavemen links, author blog links and anything I might have gotten wrong.







So now that you know which Cavemen are part of the Pecs and Presents Blog Hop, here's my Caveman! Of course, this is the fun part. Enjoy, you will not be disappointed!  After you check out the picture, and make a guess, enter the name of the Caveman you believe this is in the following link:

Get the code here...


And, of course, whenever there's a contest, there's some legalities to take care of.

Here's the legal mumbo jumbo:

- Entering this contest means you have read, understood, and agree with all rules and regulations stated.- Entrants must be 18 or older (or age of majority in your country) to enter and to win.- No purchase necessary.- Void where prohibited.- All stated rules are subject to change without notification or reason given.- Chances of winning vary widely based on the number of entries received.- Prize is as stated. No substitutions or exchanges.

- Contest host is not responsible to misrepresented/mistyped email addresses, spam filters, mailer daemons, and other internet wackiness that may crop up at the time of winner notification.

- Winners are final.- Contest Starts 00:01EST December 22nd and Ends 12:59EST December 24th and open to International participants- Winners will be notified via email, twitter, or facebook no later than 12:00EST December 26th -Respond by date to collect prize is 14 days from notification date.


  1. Your linky would not let me enter :( So, I sent a private message on FB as June Manning, hope this will count.

  2. Greetings everyone! The answers to the Pecs and Presents blog hop were as follows:
    The correct men were:
    Lea- Taylor
    Danica- David
    Griffin- Nick
    Sky- Georgio
    Erin- Christian
    Frances- Justin

    Joy Maner was the overall winner and has been contacted. If anyone had any questions about entry, please note that there was an issue with Linky that we hadn't expected, however, it seems as if all who tried to enter or contacted us regarding the contest entry link, your name was entered into the contest.

    Thank you to all who participated. Happy Holidays!
